How to Crack Wi-Fi Password by Windows
Internet become a basic and important necessity in our modern lives. With the increasing use of Internet and handy devices like smartphone and tablet and other smart gadgets that make use of internet almost all the things are now available online in digital form.
Today, we are going to share the best software tool to crack Wi-Fi password for any Windows PC or Laptop.
Wireless hot-spots (commonly known as Wi-Fi) can be found everywhere! If you have a PC with a wireless network card, then you must have seen many neighbors networks around you.
Sadly most of these networks are secured with a network security key.
Have you ever wanted to use one of these networks? You must have desperately wanted to check your mail when you shifted to your new house. The hardest time in your life is when your internet connection is down. Hacking those Wi-Fi passwords is your answer to temporary internet access.
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But can you do anything to do this? Can you access any Wi-Fi network without password? Well, yes!! if it is done through good Wi-Fi password cracker software. So, here I’m to let you know what could be the best software for your Windows PC or laptop to crack neighborhood Wi-Fi or some others. Let’s have a look.
Basic Knowledge
Now to hack a Wifi Password you must first know what type of encryption it uses for its passwords there are many different types such as WEP (easiest to crack/hack), WPA and WPA2.
Wireless Networks and Hacking
Wireless networks are based on IEEE 802.11 standards defined by IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) for ad hoc networks or infrastructure networks.
Basically, there are two types of vulnerabilities which can be found in the Wireless LAN.
- One is poor configuration and the other is poor encryption. Poor configuration is caused by the network admin who manages the network.
- It may include the weak password, no security settings, use of default configurations, and other user related things.
- Poor encryption is related to security keys used to protect the wireless network. It is there because of issues in WEP or WPA.
WEP and WPA are the two main security protocols used in Wi-Fi LAN. WEP is known asWired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). It is a deprecated security protocol which was introduced back in 1997.
But it was weak, and several serious weakness were found in the protocol. Now, this can be cracked within minutes.
So, a new kind of security protocol was introduced in 2003. This new protocol was Wi-Fi Protected Access(WPA). It has mainly two versions, 1 and 2 (WPA and WPA2). Now it is the current security protocol used in wireless networks.
To get unauthorized access to a network, one needs to crack these security protocols.
There are many tools which can crack Wi-Fi encryption. These tools can either take advantage of WEP weaknesses or use brute-force attacks on WPA/WPA2.
I am sure now you know that you should never use WEP security.
5 Best Wi-Fi Password Cracker Software for Windows
1. Aircrack
Aircrack is one of the most popular wireless passwords cracking tools that helps you to crack 802.11a/b/g WEP and WPA cracking.
The software uses the best algorithms to recover the password of any wireless network by capturing packets, once the enough packets from any wireless network gathered; the software tries to recover the password.
Aircrack works well with Windows, Linux, OS X, Open BSD, NetBSD, Solaris and more.
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2. Wi-Fi Password Hacker Pro
Wi-Fi Password Hacker Pro is the latest program that provides you access to secure networks. It is the tool that lets you search out all the wireless networks available. The software uses the latest algorithms to decrypt the password and decrypts the password in just 10 minutes.
Wi-Fi Password Hacker Pro looks up 802. 11a, 802.11b, 802.11g network and hacks secure circle standards WEP/WPA/WPA2. No matter what type of network encryption is there, Wi-Fi Password Hacker Pro can hack any type of network with a click of a button.
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3. Kismet
Kismet is network detector, packet sniffer and intrusion detection software for 802.11 wireless LANs that supports raw monitoring mode and sniff 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n traffic.
Kismet sniffs and captures packets of the wireless network in order to determine username and password. You can also use Kismet to identify hidden network and sniff into other connected systems as Kismet features the ability to detect default or non-configured networks and determine what level of wireless encryption need to be used on a given access point.
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Kismet comes with three separate parts, drone to collect the packets of any wireless network, a server in connection with the drone to interpret packet data and extrapolating wireless information and the client that communicates with server and displays all the information collected by the server.
4. AirSnort
AirSnort is wireless LAN tool which cracks encryption keys on 802.11b WEP networks. This software works well with Linux and Microsoft Windows for decrypting WEP encryption on the 802.11b network.
AirSnort saves data in two formats. First, all the packets captured by AirSnort is saved inpcap dump file. It also saves data to capture session in the form of crack files.
Running AirSnort is quite easy, once launched AirSnort must be configured to work with wireless NIC so that it could make attempts to crack the password. AirSnort operated by passively monitoring the entire transmissions and computing the encryption key as soon as enough packers are gathered.
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5. NetStumbler
NetStumbler basically known as Network Stumbler is Windows tool that detects 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g wireless LANs. NetStumbler is used to verify wireless network configuration, detecting the cause of wireless interface, detecting unauthorized access points, wardriving, finding the location with poor network and more.
NetStumbler comes with a little disadvantage that it can be easily detected by most of the most wireless intrusion detection system.
These are the well known and best Wi-Fi password cracker software to crack the password of any Windows Wi-Fi. If you have any other best ways or any alternate methods kindly let us know in the below comments.
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