Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 8, 2016

25+ Best Google AdSense Alternatives

Best Google AdSense Alternatives to Earn Extra Income Online

In general, there are few best ways to make money online via a blog. Those are “Showing Advertisement on your blog, Affiliate marketing, and Sponsored posts or Paid reviews“. If we have a good website with a good number of visitors on every day we can make money online through the above, 3 methods.
To my knowledge, these 3 are the only methods where we can make good enough money every month through online via our blog or website.
Now, in this article, I would like to discuss the “ 30+ Best AdSense alternatives to Earn Extra Income via our blog or website“.

google adsence best alternatives
Best Google AdSense Alternatives to Earn Extra Income Online

Best Google AdSense Alternatives

One of the best ways to make money online via Blogging is by showing advertisement on your blog. There are many ad networks are their like AdSense, Infolinks, Chitika, Viglink, Qadabra and many others. Obviously, we can’t clutter our blog with too many ads, and we should pick 2 or 3 best make money online program for our blog which works.
AdSense is a product from Google, which let us show contextual ads on our blog. It’s one of the best monetization ad networks for any Website, and people are making thousand of dollars every day just using Google Adsense. So, I always suggest using Google AdSense first.
If you are not earning enough with Google AdSense, then don’t worry. We have few bestother Ads platformswhich can make you to earn few bucks online and makes you smile and grow all the time. Let’s discuss all the 30+ best AdSense alternatives.
Note: Don’t go too greedy and use all the networks in one time. Test one by one and analyze and select the ad network which is working best for you.

1. AdEngage

AdEngage is an online advertising network that allows advertisers to buy ads, and publishers / website owners to sell space on their sites. Advertisers benefit by being able to target consumers with relevant text, PhoTO Text, banner and rich media ads at scale.
In addition, with detailed, real-time reporting, you know where your ads are shown and how much each segment costs you, so you can maximize your profits.
Publishers benefit with one of the highest payout rates in the industry, fast payment terms, unrivaled support, a dedicated account team for larger publishers, and tools to help you maximize your profits.
google adsense alternative adengage

AdEngage Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Wire Transfer, Cheque, Western Union
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum requirements

  • Website Must Have Unique and Fresh Content.
  • Website Must have an Alexa rank Better than 1,000,000.
  • Website’s written Only in English will be Approved.
  • Website Must Not have any broken Links or any Kind of Errors.
  • Adult Site’s Publishers can apply Except Child or Animal Pornography.
  • Website Must have Good Organic Traffic.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to AdEngage is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from AdEngage. That’s it. You are done.

2. Adversal

Adversal is a CPM ad network which started its early journey from Pop-up ads and today they are into different streams of advertising. Newbies just love AdSense and I’ve personally seen some people shattering over the disapproval by AdSense or if their accounts are shutdown for some reasons.
To my experience Adversal is the best medicine for them to cure of AdSense Mania.
adversal google alternate adsense program

Adverse Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $20 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Cheque, Wire Transfer
  • Payout Frequency: NET35

Minimum Requirements

  • Your site is eligible to participate in the Adversal publisher program only when it manages to attract 50,000 page views per month.
  • Adversal won’t allow sites which are not updated frequently.
  • The publisher’s sites shouldn’t host any objectionable content before or after approval.
  • Adversal doesn’t allow sites which indulge in excessive advertising.
  • The site must contain original content.
  • Incomplete, under construction and single page websites are straightaway gets rejected by Adversal.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Adversal is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Adversal. That’s it. You are done.

3. Adblade

Adblade is the largest content-style ad platform on the Internet. They are not too dissimilar from sponsored content ad networks Taboola and Outbrain though they do require that their publishers receive a minimum of 500,000 monthly page views, to keep the inventory at a high level of quality for their advertisers.
They claim that the content-style ad units receive three times more clicks than standard display ads.
adblade another best google adsense alternative

Adblade Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $100 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Cheque
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum Requirements

  • Publisher Terms: Unavailable.
  • Traffic Minimum: 500,000 monthly page views.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: Unknown.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: Unknown.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Adblade is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Adblade. That’s it. You are done.

4. Ayboll

Ayboll is a good solution that allows us to balance the monetization with providing your readers a non-intrusive experience. Basically, Ayboll installs a widget on your website page which provides links to content published on other networks that your readers might find interesting.
Your reader will click on the “article” or “link” that they want to read, and you will get paid for the click. It’s as simple as that.
ayboll adsense alternative

Ayboll Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $100 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: Bank transfer, Skrill
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum Requirements

  • No particular requirements
  • As simple as that

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Ayboll is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Ayboll. That’s it. You are done.

5. is a good solution that allows us to balance the monetization with providing your readers a non-intrusive experience.
Basically, Ayboll installs a widget on your website page which provides links to content published on other networks that your readers might find interesting. Your reader will click on the “article” or “link” that they want to read, and you will get paid for the click. It’s as simple as that.
b4ads adsense network Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: Bank transfer, PayPal
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum Requirements

  • No particular requirements
  • As simple as that

How to Sign Up?

Signing up to is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from That’s it. You are done.

6. Bidvertiser

BidVertiser Publishers Program is a fast and easy to use way for publishers of all sizes to display unobtrusive ads on their website and earn money. The program is free and BidVertiser pays you for valid clicks on the ads on your site, as well as for conversions generated from those clicks.
You simply paste an HTML code into your web pages and ads will instantly start appearing. Advertisers will bid against each other for your ad space, while our 3rd generation bidding-based ad serving system will always display the highest bidders, those that will generate the maximum revenue for your advertising space.
bidvertiser adsense network

BidVertiser Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $10 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: Bank transfer, PayPal
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum Requirements

  • Adult sites are not accepted
  • No particular requirements
  • As simple as that

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to BidVertiser is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from BidVertiser. That’s it. You are done.

7. BlogAds

Blogads gets advertisers promotions in front of blog readers through the use of over 3500 blogs. Blogads was launched in 2002 by Pressflex LLC when the CEO Henry Copeland decided to put advertising dollars into bloggers pockets which were a totally new concept.
Since it’s inception they have posted thousands of ads on members blogs and they handle advertising for major corporations such as Disney and Dove.
BlogAds is another alternative worth mentioning. If your blog is targeting a relatively narrow niche, then chances of your blog getting approved on BlogAds are positive at 30,000 monthly impressions, however, if your blog is catering to a larger audience and follows a broad niche then it needs to have a minimum of 500,000 to 1 million monthly impressions to get approved.
blog ads alias web blog ads

Blogads Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $75 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: Bank transfer, PayPal, Check
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum Requirements

  • Adult sites are not accepted
  • No particular requirements
  • As simple as that

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Blogads is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Blogads. That’s it. You are done.

8. BuySellAds

BuySellAds is a marketplace where publishers and advertisers come to meet. Publishers list their available inventory and CPM for each ad zone, then receive placement requests from interested advertisers.
After approving creative, the advertisements begin running immediately. While there is a bit more work and wait time involved in getting ads up and running on your site, as opposed to other display ad networks such as Google AdSense or, overall BuySellAds is a great alternative ad network, offering a great level of control over ad placements and creative approval.
buy sell ads

BidVertiser Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $20 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: Bank transfer, PayPal, Check
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: None.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: Fraudulent goods or services; infringement of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights; defamation or libel; adult or sexually-oriented or obscene content; gambling; artificial impressions or clicks; viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or another computer programming that may cause damage.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to BuySellAds is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from BuySellAds. That’s it. You are done.

9. Chitika

Chitika is a display advertising network that can serve as either a complement or alternative to other display ad networks, such as Google AdSense. They offer three distinct types of advertising: display/text ad units, list units (similar to AdSense’s link units), and mobile ads.
Setup and implementation are simple, but performance is not up to par with more reputable networks such as AdSense or
chitika adsense program

Chitika Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $10 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Check
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Chitika Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: None.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: Fraudulent goods or services; infringement of copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights; defamation or libel; adult or sexually-oriented or obscene content; gambling; artificial impressions or clicks; viruses, Trojan horses, worms, or another computer programming that may cause damage.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Chitika is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Chitika. That’s it. You are done.

10. Clicksor

Clicksor is a pay per click contextual advertising program from the company Yes, the same company which runs PayPopUp, InfinityAds, AsiaTraffic, AdOnion, and AdPreference. Contextual advertisers return the ads based upon the result it gets from the meta tags or keywords from the web page.
clicksor adsense program

Clicksor Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer
  • Payout Frequency: NET15

Clicksor Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: 50,000 monthly users.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: None.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: Child pornography, zoosexuality, libelous or defamatory sites, piracy, warez, illegal activities, gratuitous violence, hate, spam, under construction, any other type of content that public consensus deems to be improper or inappropriate.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Clicksor is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Clicksor. That’s it. You are done.

11. Disqus

Disqus is a widely used commenting platform but apart from that, It also allows blog owners to monetize their site by opting for their content discovery program. A discovery box will appear just about Disqus comment box where links from other blogs will appear and if a reader clicks on any of the links, you earn money. Simple, isn’t it?

Disqus Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $100 (Varies as per the selected payment option)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer, ACH, eCheck
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Disqus is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Disqus. That’s it. You are done.

12. Dynamic Oxygen

Dynamic Oxygen is an American eCPM advertising ad network that has been operating since 2007. They affiliate with Exit Junction and they pioneered the Secondary Search Market which allows for ads to be targeted that depend on what has been typed into the search engine.

Dynamic Oxygen Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Dynamic Oxygen Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None
  • Easy to approve our site

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Dynamic Oxygen is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Dynamic Oxygen. That’s it. You are done.

13. Intellilinks

Intellilinks is a company that connects advertisers with publishers. If you were looking to sell your website directly to advertisers and couldn’t find any, you might want to try Intellilinks. For advertisers, it brings organic links with quality sites in their niche and that too for a fixed monthly expenditure. For publishers, it would mean they can get a fixed income every month without somebody clicking on the ads.
intellilinks ads network

Intellilinks Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: No min. Payout
  • Payment Method: PayPal
  • Payout Frequency: No Delay

Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • As simple as that
  • Easy to get approval

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Intellilinks is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Intellilinks. That’s it. You are done.

14. Infolinks

Infolinks ads are not traditional display ads that other networks such as Google AdSense might serve. Rather, the intent of Infolinks ads is to combat the end user’s banner blindness by introducing less prevalent ad units that are better integrated into the website’s content. Infolinks’ inFrame, inSearch, inTag, and inText units are designed to do just that.

Best Google AdSense Alternatives to Earn Extra Income Online

Infolinks Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Wire Transfer, eCheck, Western Union, ACH, Payoneer
  • Payout Frequency: NET45

Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: Must be primarily English.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: Content that violates IP rights; pornography; hate-related content; violent content.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Infolinks is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Infolinks. That’s it. You are done.

15. Kontera

Kontera offers in-text advertising links, similar in style to the more popular Infolinks. While their ad units’ high visibility might be off-putting to some, that is exactly the point: these ads are effective combatants against banner blindness and are impossible for a site visitor to ignore (assuming he is reading the content). While in theory, this is a good idea, in practice it leaves a lot to be desired as the implementation can be choppy and ad relevancy can be weak.

Kontera Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, ACH, Check
  • Payout Frequency: NET45

Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: There are no language requirements stated in the Publisher Terms of Service.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: Illicit drugs, pornography, adult or mature content, violence, illegal activity, IP rights infringements.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Kontera is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Kontera. That’s it. You are done.

16. combines the advertiser network of the Yahoo! Bing Network with privately-backed’s Web publisher relations and platform. It is wholly separate from the previously failed Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN).
media . net Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $100 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Wire Transfer
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum Requirements

  • Publisher Terms:
  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: Must be primarily English.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: Adult, Tobacco, Alcohol, Ammunition, Hazardous Substances, Illegal Drugs, Gore, Violence, Gambling, Racism, Hate, Racial Intolerance, Prescription Drugs, Counterfeit Products, Stolen Items.

How to Sign Up?

Signing up to is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from That’s it. You are done.

17. Madad

Madad is not much best one. Avoid Madad as much as you can.

18. Outbrain

Outbrain is a sponsored content network for publishers to advertise their content as well as earn revenue from sponsored content hosted on their sites. While sponsored content is a relatively new and unique form of monetization, compared to more traditional sources such as display or affiliate advertising, the revenue potential is sponsored content is very low. Still, with high enough levels of traffic, a publisher can earn significant incremental revenue with Outbrain’s site widget.

Outbrain Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: Unknown
  • Payment Method: Unknown
  • Payout Frequency: Unknown

Minimum Requirements

  • Publisher Language Requirement: None.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: Adult, alcohol, financial services, gambling, games/contests/sweepstakes, health services, subscriber-only content, pornography, weaponry, illegal drugs or tobacco, non-government-approved pharmaceuticals and supplements, malware, hate, scams, bad user experience.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Outbrain is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Outbrain. That’s it. You are done.

19. Propeller Ads Media

Over the recent few years, numerous AdSense Alternatives have turned up which have given the option to people all across the globe to gain the advantages of a more competitive ad market in terms of higher CPC rates, increased networks, and better revenue potential. Many have had their own success stories. I was looking for such alternate networks when I came across Propeller Ads.
propleller ads

Propeller Ads Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: Unknown
  • Payment Method: Unknown
  • Payout Frequency: NET15

Propeller Ads Minimum Requirements

  • Simple to get approval
  • As simple as that

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Propeller Ads is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Propeller Ads. That’s it. You are done.

20. PopAds

PopAds is a performance network specialized in Pop Unders. They have good rates and they can monetize all countries. Something great about PopAds is that they can pay daily as long as you earn $5 or more per day. Their quality is good, and they also have pop-ups and other monetization methods. Their approvals are easy and setting your ads takes just a few minutes.
pop ads

PopAds Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $5 (Varies on the payment methods)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Payoneer
  • Payout Frequency: Whenever you reach $5 you can request payment

PopAds Minimum Requirements

  • Simple to get approval
  • Illegal and adult sites are not accepted

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to PopAds is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from PopAds. That’s it. You are done.

21. Qadabra

The rates available on this platform are also considered to be the best in the market, which has enabled many publishers to choose this platform as a Google Adsense alternative. Being a self-serve and performance-based ad platform, it offers the best available revenue even with a decent traffic. One of the best features of Qadabra is that there is no need for any approval. All you need to do is sign up and register.

Qadabra Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $1 (Varies on the payment methods)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Payoneer
  • Payout Frequency: NET15

Qadabra Minimum Requirements

  • Simple to get approval
  • Illegal and adult sites are not accepted

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Qadabra is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Qadabra. That’s it. You are done.

22. RevenueHits

RevenueHits is an Israel-based digital advertising platform founded in 2008. It has been successful in serving advertisers and publishers across the world. They claim of delivering more than 2 billion impressions per day. RevenueHits mainly offers CPA campaigns to its publishers.
AdSense Alternatives revenue hits
Many publishers often get confused with them as CPM campaigns. Publishers get paid when someone takes action. The action could be anything like signing up a newsletter or joining a site. For instance, if a user buys a product from your merchant link (Banner) you get 70% revenue share. Unlike other contextual advertising programs RevenueHits doesn’t pay for clicks and page impressions.

Revenue Hits Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Payoneer, Wire Transfer
  • Payout Frequency: NET30

Minimum Requirements

  • It is very easy to get approval.
  • Simple to work out.
  • Easier than other ad networks.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Revenue Hits is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Revenue Hits. That’s it. You are done.

23. Skimlinks

Skimlinks is also one of the best AdSense alternatives. Require up to 3 business days for approval. It pays in a genuine way, but the problem is it pays in Net 90 manner. Try it and analyze as per your blog stats. It is possible that you could end up making ten times your existing earnings with Viglink and Skimlinks, as they pay for affiliate sales and not for the click.
AdSense Alternatives skimlinks

Skimlinks Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $10
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Wire transfer
  • Payout Frequency: Net90

Skimlinks Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Simple to approve our site
  • Easy way to earn extra income through online

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Skimlinks is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Skimlinks. That’s it. You are done.

24. Super Links

Superlinks is an innovative advertising and technology company that connects online web publishers with premium advertisers using a variety of innovative digital advertising products. The company’s integrated approach to serving and manage publishers delivers amazing results for bloggers, websites, forums and content networks. Superlinks’ parent company Admanage SA is headquartered in Escazu, Costa Rica with a presence in Beverly Hills, Vancouver, and Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
Superlinks has just announced the launch of its full-service online display advertising publisher platform. Designed to bridge the gap between long and medium-tail publishers with the brand and direct response advertisers, the Superlinks display ad network is the perfect system for lower ranked publishers on the major web traffic measurement services.

Superlinks Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $20
  • Payment Method: PayPal, ACH, Wire transfer
  • Payout Frequency: NET35

Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: 500,000 monthly page views.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: None.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: None.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Superlinks is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Superlinks. That’s it. You are done.

25. Taboola

Taboola, along with Adblade and Outbrain, is one of the tops sponsored content networks on the Internet. They power many of the “Sponsored Links” and “Stories you might like from around the Web” sections that you have probably seen on sites like the New York Times, TMZ, and USA Today to name a few. While certain implementations can appear rather spammy (e.g., a link to a story titled “10 Celebs You’d Never Guess Went Full Frontal On Film”), these links can be effective sources of incremental revenue for many sites.

Taboola Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: Unkown
  • Payment Method: Direct Deposit via Payoneer
  • Payout Frequency: Unknown

Minimum Requirements

  • Publisher Terms: None.
  • Traffic Minimum: 500,000 monthly page views.
  • Publisher Language Requirement: None.
  • Prohibited Publisher Content: None.

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Taboola is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Taboola. That’s it. You are done.

26. Tribal Fusion

Tribal Fusion is certainly one advertising network which will never miss you Google Adsense. They’re the highest paying CPM Ad network in the market, but getting approved in TribalFusion is extremely tough. You need to have a minimum of 5,00,000 unique visits per month, professional blog layout, top-level domain and your content should be updated regularly. In other words, we can say TribalFusion is made for big websites. Tribal Fusion pays  55% of revenue to their publishers on the Net45 basis. They pay only via Check.

Tribal Fusion Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: Check
  • Payout Frequency: NET45

Tribal Fusion Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Simple to approve our site
  • Easy way to earn extra income through online

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Tribal Fusion is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Tribal Fusion . That’s it. You are done.

27. Viglink

Viglink is perfect for a blog which is linking out to a business or e-commerce site. The Viglink concept is quite different from all of the alternatives mentioned above, and with Viglink you can earn money by making affiliate sales. Viglink works great when you have outgoing links to business or product pages such as fashion store or Amazon.

Viglink Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $0
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Wire transfer
  • Payout Frequency: Net60

Viglink Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Simple to approve our site
  • Easy way to earn extra income through online

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Viglink is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Viglink. That’s it. You are done.

28. YesAdvertising

YesAdvertising is another Ads network that provides varies types of Ads to maximize your earnings. YesAdvertising Ad marketplace allows you to control the advertisements, to ensure that the ads on you sites are consistent with your brand. YesAdvertising enables full access to their list of offers with lucrative payouts. YesAdvertising provides payments through Check, Paypal, Payoneer, Perfect Money and Bank Transfer.

YesAdvertising Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: $50 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Payoneer, Perfect money, Bank transfer
  • Payout Frequency: NET15

YesAdvertising Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Simple to approve our site
  • Easy way to earn extra income through online

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to YesAdvertising is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from YesAdvertising . That’s it. You are done.

29. Yllix

Yllix ad network is one of the best adwork which pays on the daily basis, weekly basis and monthly. According to our selection, we can receive payments. Yllix is very easy and simple to use. I personally suggest Yllix for your site monetization. If you have good traffic then you can use this Yllix ad.

Yllix Payment Info

  • Minimum payout : $1 ( varies for different types of payment method selection)
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Payza, Wire transfer
  • Payout Frequency: Daily, Weekly, Monthly (according to our selection)

Yllix Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Simple to approve our site
  • Easy way to earn extra income through online

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Yllix is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Yllix. That’s it. You are done.

30. Zemanta

Very much like Outbrain, with Zemanta you can monetize your blog by placing high-quality content links from other websites. For applying to this network you will have to fill up a form and wait for their response.
Click Here to join this network.
These are the 30+ best Google AdSense alternatives. I personally have experience with these adworks. Some of them have worked well like Infolinks, Yllix, Bidvertiser, Qadabra, etc. So, I suggest you people experience it at least one month with good monetization and must and should have good traffic to your blogs/websites. Without good ad monetization, you cannot increase your earnings. Analyze the ad network clearly and use it in a wise manner.

31. Adiply

Adiply offers industry-leading high impact ad formats for desktop, which benefit publishers in three key ways:
High CPMs – our high impact formats offer CPMs far higher than those of standard display ads
Incremental Revenue – many of our high impact formats use your website in non-traditional ways, meaning zero cannibalization of your existing ad products
Easy Implementation – our technology platforms ensure consistent ad delivery every time, minimizing the burden on your operation

Adiply Payment Info

  • Minimum payout: No min payout
  • Payment Method: PayPal, Bank transfer
  • Payout Frequency: NET45

Adiply Minimum Requirements

  • Traffic Minimum: None.
  • Simple to approve our site
  • Easy way to earn extra income through online

How to Sign Up?

Singing up to Adiply is very easy. Just Click Here and go ahead by filling all the required details in the form. After sign up verify your Email ID for the verification link from Adiply. That’s it. You are done.
Hope you all liked this article. If you have any doubts regarding any adwork, let us know in your comments.

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