Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 8, 2016

Boost Performance of Smartphone

How To Overclock Your Android Device to Boost Performance

Overclock your Android device. As many of the users might have heard about overclocking the Android device. As many of them have not heard about this if you have not then don’t worry.
I will be sharing with you a guide in which I will be telling you what it means. How to do overclocking your device.
Many of times you have a good RAM of 3GB but sometimes your phone lacks and it becomes laggy sometimes. This is because of your processor.

What Is Overclocking?

Overlooking is the term in which you can easily increase your phone performance by increasing your processor speed.
If you are having a processor which is of 2 GHz then you can increase the processor speed to 2.3 GHz.
There are many third party softwares which will help you to do this things in your device. If you do this properly without bricking your device then you can even downgrade your processor speed.

How To Overclock Your Android Device to Boost Performance

download and install :- SET CPU application: Play Store
  • Firstly root your Android device ad install the Set CPU application in your device.
  • Now after that you have open the Set CPU application in your device and then click on Continue and Recommend.
Overclock Your Android Device to Boost Performance
  • The application will ask you for root permission and just allow the root permission of the application and you are done.
  • Now, the application will automatically check for the speed of your device. Then you have to change the max and minimum speed of your device according to your choice.
Overclock Your Android Device to Boost Performance
Note: Don’t click on Set to Boot till the time you don’t like your device speed or else you will brick you smart phone.
  • Now, you need to create the profiles and set the information about when you have top overclock or underclock your android device. This is very crucial and important step.
Overclock Your Android Device to Boost Performance
  • In this profiles I am choosing Battery charging. I am overclocking my device whenever, I am Charging my device. Then it will automatically overclock whenever I will put my phone charge. Then choose the priority according to you.
Overclock Your Android Device to Boost Performance

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